The Radimovice manor was given to the Lazarus order
- in future could serve as an equipment "looked living for senior citizens"
Radimovice in summer, author: Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic
The Radimovice manor lies in west Bohemian in the village of the same name. Today it is a part of the municipality of Vseruby which hears the Pils-north to the district. The meaning of the local name is the following: Radimovice = ves lide Radimovych means on in German: the village of the people of the Radim (short form of Radimir = this which has with pleasure the peace). The place is mentioned for the first time in 1263 in a document namely in connection with an aristocrat: "Henricus des Radymawiz... supannus".
The likely coat of arms
of the Jindrich z Radimovic
he Czech version of the name is Jindrich z Radimovic. He was Zupan, the chairperson of a Zupa, a political district, so a region count. (A member of the czech gender mighty once of the Hroznatovci was very likely. The name this house is derived from Hroznata, the founder of the cloister of Tepla.) This aristocrat appears twice in the annals of the czech history, namely in the 7/2/1263 in Plasy and in the 3/18/1269 in Purglino (today: Habartov, district of Sokolov). The frame was the same in both cases, i.e. the czech king Premysl Otokar II gave to the cloister of Plasy privilege. Among the in each case present witnesses was also Jindrich z Radimovic. At this time the today's estate Radimovice will have been the fastened residence of this aristocrat; a (small) castle probably existed. The structural fabric of the present buildings gives instructions to the existence of a former bigger complex of buildings.
Then in the course of the time the village Radimovice also originated. Manor and village were in the course of the centuries in the possession of different nobility genders. At times the today's estate was also inhabited by different nobility genders, so a nobility seat. The estate Radimovice was till 1925 in the possession of the prince Aloys zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg. Since 1995 the estate is de facto in the possession of Mikulas and Karin Krejcik z Radimovic namely by the Czech company Gallery "Vceli kralovna" spol. s r.o., their whole shares the wife Karin owns. Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic is since the 6/13/2009 an officer of the military and hospital broads of order of the saint Lazarus von Jerusalem. here closer details to his person, activity and origin you find. In arrangement with his wife Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic has already on the 15.12.2007 - at the time of as him made his application to the admission in the order - explanation in lieu of an oath compared with the order delivered in which he announced the donation of the estate to the use of the Order of Staint Lazarus. English text of the explanation in lieu of an oath is to be seen here. It is the wish of both married couples that the estate Radimovice will serve in future charity.
Already since 2002 married couple Krejcik z Radimovic has the wish that the estate should serve in future as an equipment looked living for senior citizens . In the same year created Mr. Lubos Kolafa plans which show how the object could look later. Sense and the purpose of this institution should be to be guaranteed it to make available the greatest possible independence and at the same time comfortable social facilities. Married couples should have a small flat to the arrangement, individuals could live in an enough big space. To the arrangement a common food space would stand. Medical care would be guaranteed directly on the area. 3 hectares of garden surfaces belong to the estate. These could be reshaped to a nice park. A small order chapel could also originate which believers would serve.
In the 5/26/2010 was concluded more valid donation contract and was still submitted on the same day at the cadastral office for the Pilsener circle - jobplace Pilsen-north. (Note: In the eingescannten text of the donation contract a stamp for data protection reasons has been covered on top on the left. It concerned the stamp of the lawyer who was in this matter at the request H.E. of the Grand Bailiff of the Czech Republic active for active for the Czech Grand Bailiwick of the Order. This lawyer has made of his right on data protection according to the legal regulations use and would not expressly like to be called on these web pages!) The transference of the owner's rights is valid since the 6/16/2010 as this is evident from concerning extract from the real estate land register.
The new owner of the estate Radimovice is since the 6/16/2010:
Grande Baliwick of the Czech Republic of the United Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.
With it an important step is done. Now it is to be hoped that with God's help can be realised during the next years here the equipment "looked living for senior citizens".
Last updated 12/14/2017
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