A construdted show trail?
A massive breach of law with the approval of the Government of the Order?
As mentioned on the entry page, a procedure took place on 21.09.2011 in Pilsen, which was performed by the grossest perversion of justice. That same day I had made extensive notes, as was apparently made no official protocol before the whole action. After long and careful consideration, I have now - after 20 months - decided to publish the whole incident on the Internet.
On this occasion, here is an open letter to the Grand Master, H.E. Don Carlos Gereda de Borbon, Marquis de Almazan, published dated 22.06.2011 |
"Your Excellency Grand Master, as the legal basis for the correspondence with your Excellency I refer to Article 3.15 of the Regulations of the Order. I hereby wear a formal complaint against the Grand bailiff of the Czech Grand Bailiwick , H.E. Prof. Dr. Ales Bluma, DSM, GCLJ before that the target has an external audit of the Czech Grand Bailiwick of Article 3.11 of the Regulations launch . Under the assumption that there actually is our Order is a worldwide Christian military orders, founded on the basis of the practicing Christian and chivalric values, my wife and I asked for admission to the Order. Likewise, because of this we have given values bequeathed most of our material possessions in life our Order, namely the gift of the estate Radimovice. Unfortunately, our Order has but in large areas of large defects, as practice shows. If basic principles, such as a practicing Christianity and character of members are not met - as required by Article 4.1 and 4.2 of the Regulations provide - then I can not condone this. In addition a large number of current shortcomings and abuses in the Czech Grand Bailiwick. Thus, a situation has arisen that a solution to this problem can only come from the outside. Here I refer to the accompanying, extensive correspondence in the German official language (Article 13.1 of the Constitution) our Order. According to Article 2.4, paragraph 2 of the Regulations is the head of a jurisdiction solely responsible for all matters and activities in this jurisdiction. For this reason, this appeal is directed against the Grand bailiff of the Czech Grand Bailiwick, H.E. Chev. Dr. Ales Bluma, D.S.M., GCLJ. While still a personal aspect, involved in his person. On an official website of the Czech Ministry of the Interior are published the names of agents of the former communist secret police (Statni bezpeènost). Is there one in the search form below Prijmeni (family name) and jmeno (first name) the combination Bluma, Ales is a positive result. The true date of birth also match well with the birth of the Czech Grand bailiff. Because this information is available on the Internet to the public, the reputation of our Order will massively hurt by the current situation. This matter therefore necessarily requires an official clarification by our Order. Since 22/01/2011 I had extensive correspondence sent to the following senior officials: H.E. Chev. Klaus Peter Pokolm, GCLJ, H.E. Chev. Dr. Ronald Hendriks, GCLJ and H.E. Chev. Dr. Axel Mittelstaedt GCLJ. H.E. Chev. Dr. Axel Mittelstaedt, GCLJ informed me on 06/06/2011 by email with: "... your issue relates to the majority of your jurisdiction, the Grand Bailiwick of the Czech Republic. On the occasion of personal meetings in Bratislava I, therefore your jurisdiction boss, H.E. Chev. Prof. Dr. Ales Bluma, GCLJ informed about the various allegations brought by you (of course I have the individual topics of your letters treated as confidential). You will therefore be asked by your boss jurisdiction to comment on the matter. It is not the task of the GMC to interfere with national interests ... " A principle of democratic justice practice, however, states that no person who is accused of the same can conduct their own investigation of his own business and solely responsible! For this reason, I reject a hearing person through my Grand bailiff from the Czech Republic decided. If it also is not the task of the GMC to "meddle national interests" in, then there is only the possibility of the whole issue of Your Excellency to present Grand Master. As Grand Master Your Excellency paragraph 5 has finally under Article 8.2, an oath at your Inauguration, in which you have solemnly you committed before God to ensure that the statutes, regulations, decrees and customs of the Order are to uphold and ensure is that these are upheld and respected by all members of the Order. The accompanying extensive correspondence is in German the official language of the Order. I have already invested hundreds of hours in the whole process and I are also financial issues arose. It is the responsibility of the Order to solve the problem and possibly also induce translations from German into English the official language. The total amount exceeds the possibilities of a single person by far. Yours faithfully
Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic, OLJ |
The original letter (in Spanish) was send S.E. the Grand Master (also with extensive facilities that serve as evidence) delivered together with extensive correspondence, which had previously been conducted with members of the Order of Government on 24.06.2011. The author has received no reply from official until today. An investigation request at the Czech Post and the Spanish Post revealed that the consignment to the addressee on 28/06/2011 has been.
The Grand bailiff of the Czech Republic. S.E. Dr. Ales Bluma, DSM, GCLJ was also notified in writing on 06/24/2011 by me that now a formal complaint against him in accordance with the Order requirements for HE was submitted to the Grand Master. Duly him was a copy of the (Spanish) Original letter to HE the Grand Master (with German translation) sent. The shipment was sent to the recipient on 27/06/2011. At the same time this letter was a copy of my 13-page letter (in German) from 01/25/2011 to the then Grand Magistral Delegate Council - Europe HE Chev. Dr. Ronald Hendriks, GCLJ, GCMLJ. Thus, the Czech Großbailli was sufficiently informed of the reason for the complaint.
Important: The letter of 01/25/2011 to the then Grand Magistral Delegate Council - Europe had been in accordance with Article 3.15 of the Regulations of the Order no official complaint. This letter had merely informative character at this time. It was therefore not have been necessary, then the Großbailli deliver a copy of the Czech Republic. Only when the operators of this website, the website of the Czech Ministry of Interior became known only after he had ever seen action for an official complaint against the Czech Grand bailiff.
The reason why the Order should definitely clarify whether it is the at that time Czech Grand bailiff actually a former agent of the former communist secret police or not, is treated on the next page.
Last updated 12/14/2017
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