Visitors' book of
This web page is visited by a big circle of acquaintances from different countries. Under it there are members and friends of the Lazarus order, but also the people who have general interest in the order, his long tradition or his karitativen duties in the present.
For all people the possibility passes in this visitors' book suggestions to write greetings, praise and constructive criticism to this private web page. If you liked to write a comment, click please on the link „Write an entry“.
Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic wrote in 22.08.2010, 15:08
This web page is visited by a big circle of acquaintances from different countries. Besides, it concerns, on the one hand, people who bump by chance into this side, but also around the people from the order who have searched Lazarus order straight on the subject. Here the possibility should be given to all, suggestions to write down greetings, praise and constructive criticism. I wish, that from this visitors\' book richly use made with.
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Last updated 12/14/2017
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