The knightly model of the knights of the Lazarus order
Karl I. Franz Josef was an unusual person who could not so administer his office as an emperor and king of Austria activities thread (from the 11/21/1916 to 11/11/1918), unfortunately, under the most unfavorable conditions as he had wished it. He was born 17th of August, 1887 on castle Persenbeug in Lower Austria, he has passed away on the 1st of April, 1922 on the portugisischen island Madeira. The title king of Jerusalem also counted to his big imperious title. During his reign he undertook several peace effort to finish the First World War. After his dismissal he lived first in Switzerland. Finally, after two fruitless restoration attempts in Hungary he died in the exile. In 1954 the beatification process was begun for Karl, was promoted by the „imperial Karl-prayer league for the world peace“ under the chairmanship of bishop Kurt Krenn substantially and was brought on the 20th of December, 2003 to the end. The beatification of the former monarch took place on the 3rd of October, 2004. His anniversary is the 21st of October, the day of his wedding. Today he is a patron of Madeira and the knightly model of the knights of Saint Lazarus.
Within the scope of a ceremonious pontifical blessing the order prelate of Austria, page entrusted with general abbot Gregori Manian C.M.V. on the 28th of June, 1974 the Grand Priorys of Bohemia, Hungary and Austria of the Lazarus order as well as the order knights all over the world of the special please of the servant of God KARL from the house Austria mercies.
Allow to recite us to God, the creator of heavens and the earth, to the creator of every fair order:
The knights of the order of the saint Lazarus von Jerusalem have confided of the please of God's servant KARL from the house Austria.
They see in him, the king of Jerusalem, her knightly model. Give to the knights of Saint Lazarus the strength to do justice to her model.
Give to the people a fair and lasting peace. Give to all peacemakers perseverance and success.
Preserve the knights of the Lazarus order, preserve everybody, the good will are, before faithlessness and fear. Strengthen the knights of Saint Lazarus in her works.
If she allows to provide the service to the sick person in the hospitals better and with more perseverance.
If she strengthens in forgiving and thinks particularly of the friars of Bohemia, Hungary and Austria;
think of the knights of Saint Lazarus all over the world, her sponsors and her friends. Forgive her enemies.
Think to the family and all descendants of the servant of God Karl from the house Austria and grant to them blessing and protection.
Give to Your servant Karl from the house Austria to all statesmen to the luminous model by quick beatification
You, Omnipotent God, want to grasp that all people see the light of your Gospel the truth and live in peace
Spring: Extract from the work "Memento", author: † Erich Feigl, published by the chancellor's office of the great piorates of Austria of the Ordre Militaire et Hospitalier de Saint-Lazare de Jerusalem, Vienna, in 1978, pages 149.
Note of the webmaster: So much for the noble theory. What about the chivalry and moral values today in the Order of Lazarus looks practice, is short on the Homepage of this website. |
Last updated 12/14/2017
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