The extraordinary meeting of the Commandery of Pilsen on 09/21/2011
A constructed show trial by Stalinist samples?
An extraordinary meeting in the truest sense of the word
On Friday, the 09/16/2011 was sent from chancellor of the Commandery Pilsen to the members of the Commandery a Email, was informed in that next Wednesday will see the 09/21/2011, an extraordinary meeting of the Commandery held five days later, which makes the presence of all members is necessary. But there was notified no agenda. Also a written reminder as to the agenda of the chancellor of the Commandery did not return. The Commander of Pilsen was previously not been reachable by phone for the operator of this site for weeks.
At this meeting was also present the author as a member of the Commandery of Pilsen. There appeared: the Czech Grand bailiff accompanied by three knights (Chev. Ing. David Mirejovsky, KCLJ; Chev. Ivan Medek, KLJ und Chev. JUDr. Tomas Kordac, KLJ), one of them was a lawyer and the Commander of Pilsen, 2 order priests, two members of the delegation Pilsen Stenovice and other 7 members of the Pilsen commandery. The postulants were not invited to this meeting. After an introduction of the Commander of Pilsen took charge of the meeting of the Czech Grande bailiff. After a few introductory words, the purpose of the meeting was declared: A member of the finished beer to come, brother Krejcik, have committed great sins. Had perhaps the whole senario clear traits of a show trial by Stalinist samples? The part of the event was as follows:
There was no agenda published in advance.
The "accused" - Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic - was not informed beforehand about the purpose of this meeting, in reality, as a tribunal turned against him.The "accused" was not given the opportunity
a) to prepare for the allegations and to have b) a lawyer in his company.The meeting was chaired by the Czech Grande bailiff,
So the person against whom Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic a formal complaint under the provisions of Order for H.E. the Grand Master had submitted to in accordance with Article 3.15 of the Regulations of the Order of St. Lazarus. Thus, the Czech Grand bailiff from the beginning to be seen as biased and would preside should not exercise.That there would be definitely "sanctions", was soon proclaimed.
So the whole procedure was just a phrase in reality. It was not to investigate any issues. The purpose was solely to remove an uncomfortable friar of the Order of St. Lazarus.A Videokammera was directed to the "accused".
One of the two religious chaplains (P. Mgr. Miroslav Martis, CM, AChLJ) she held from the beginning right to Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic.The audience was deliberately manipulated
because the Czech Grand bailiff explained introduction to the members of the Commandery of Pilsen that Brother Krejcik them all "accused" would. In this way, the audience was tacitly applied against the "accused".One purpose of this event was apparently also to produce intimidation and fear.
With this framework, it should be ensured that both the "accused" and the audience should be intimidated. At least with Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic but this was not achieved.One can not avoid the impression of a certain professionalism of the initiators.
Very few people dominate such methods of manipulation and the least able to analyze or detect and deal with it properly. This can only be if you understand the basics of human psychology comprehensively.
According to this lawless and inhumane frame was then also the following "proof". First, the Czech Grand bailiff explained that brother Krejcik a crucial mistake (?) Would have done. He had the Grand bailiff sent a copy of the letter to the Grand Master. In fact, the Grand bailiff however, had received a copy and reception also confirmed. The indication that the 13-page cover letter, the date was on 25/01/2011 and the Czech Großbailli had not received a copy in January is not valid, because in January had Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic the Order's government only informative on various problem areas of Saint Lazarus Order attention:
Serious shortcomings in the heraldry of the Order,
people who are illegally impersonate within the Order as an aristocrat and
Present grievances and shortcomings in the Czech Grand Bailiwick
In the correspondence in January 2011 it had not been a formal complaint against the Czech Grand Bailiwick. Therefore, no copy of it had been necessary. Only when an official complaint against a supervisor in accordance with Article 3.15 of the Regulations of the Order of St. Lazarus is required is a copy to the person concerned. This copy was the Czech Großbailli indeed delivered together with the text of the complaint on 06/27/2011.
The Czech Grand bailiff quoted form of an abstract passages from the 13-page letter and interpreted them according to his own will. For example, the phrase "Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion" interpreted to mean that therefore the terror of the Nazi Wehrmacht was to be understood in the occupied countries, where at night people were arrested, then disappeared (fog). As the author had used this formulation in the January letter, it was assumed that he had made the award of the Order of Merit of the Grand Master to a religious chaplain to the stage with the Nazi terror. This was another manipulation of the audience, as it is generally known that the "accused" was born in Germany, nevertheless is of Czech origin and also has Czech citizenship. But today's expression cloak-and-dagger operation alludes to a stealth action, most laws are circumvented in the. Therefore the comparison of the complainant was entirely correct.
Repeatedly claimed the Czech Grand bailiff that the "accused" had no idea of where he was claiming. It would all allegations, but no evidence. (Here the government of the Order are sufficient evidence in writing before! For example: the post to H.E. Grand Master had a weight of 2 kg ). Argued the more the Grand bailiff, more so were the grievances in the Czech Grandbailly in reality much again. Since Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic but always remained calm and objective, then reached a certain Kaplan of the Order in the interrogation an actively. But when he got an unpleasant and unexpected counter-question to his question to the "accused" of this no answer for the Order Kaplan completely lost his temper. After baseless insinuations abused he loudly the "accused" ("Pharisees", "devil", "filthy," "disgusting" and the same) . He behautete the "accused" would defile his honor (pause, then turning the head to the Grand bailiff) - "and of course the honor of His Excellency." Since the "accused" still remained calm and controlled, then the Czech Großbailli lost his temper. He cried because "defendants" several times loudly, he would lie and a liar. Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic remained in this tantrum farther still calm and composed. One of the knights present (Chev. Ivan Medek,KLJ) obviously afraid that now the whole event gets completely out of control. With regard to the mental state of individual knights now present this recommendation to the Grand bailiff the brother Krejcik to announce the "sanctions" (!). Normally, a defendant always has the last word, but even with this legal principle one has not taken it as accurate. It was made by the Czech Grand bailiff the announcement of "sanctions" (which he had previously discussed over the phone with all the members of the Grand Council of the Grand Bailiwick of the Czech Republic!):
Return of the Saint Lazarus Order bequeathed the estate Radimovice donation.
Mr. Krejcik is prompted voluntarily withdraw from the Order.
If this is not done, then the present lawyer Chev. JUDr. Tomas Kordac, KLJ to take legal action against Mr. Krejcik
Mr. Krejcik would be excluded from the Saint Lazarus also against his will.
The macabre event then ended with a prayer, which was joined by all those present ...
General conclusion
If that was not all reality, you could keep it as a screenplay for a film: Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic had with his wife the estate Radimovice the Czech Grand Bailiwick of the Lazarus order to donation. He was a practicing Christian and kept scrupulously to all provisions of the Order of St. Lazarus. Since it was located by the whole heart in the Order, he had pointed out several areas that could be improved within the Order. Had he picked up while those issues that affect some people uncomfortable within the Lazarus Order? Apparently he was ungequem and had to be removed from the Saint Lazarus necessarily. Since he had pleading the Constitution and the rules of the Order, will probably not be perceived or accepted. Especially not from a group of people, the lack of mental praktizierendem spirituality and Christianity, as well as in character. These are people who use the time-honored Saint Lazarus primarily for their own ego. What Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic had done wrong in reality?
Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic had this idea after several discussions with the audience. He also went to the Czech Grand bailiff and spoke kindly, calm and relaxed with him. On this occasion the Grand bailiff said privately, "You know what you did wrong? You tell people things that are not acceptable to the people."
With this planned "measures" the Czech Grand Bailiwick remain the real problems in the Saint Lazarus Order, the Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic had pointed out, however, remain unresolved - and cause further problems with security. Especially the person of the Czech Grand bailiff raises unanswered questions. It is to be hoped that now free to accept the high responsible persons in Saint Lazarus Order of the problem and solve the current problems especially in the Czech Grand Bailiwick - and in the right place. |
There is also a Commander in the Czech Grand Bailiwick, that of a trusted witnesses on the basis of a photograph was detected as "Kadrovy pracovník Prumyslový podnik mesta Plzen" (communist) Squad-workers of the industrial operation of the City of Pilsen) is as evidence the owner of this site, a certified affidavit from a trusted witnesses. This is further evidence that the Czech Grand Bailiwick seems to be infiltrated by former communist officials, who with their insidious methods of practicing Christians today in the Saint Lazarus Order cause problems. This should not present Communists are generally vilified! Today's modern communist parties in Europe are committed to democracy. The reference to former communist functionaries in Saint Lazarus has been mentioned here only because these people obviously do not want to stand by their own past - and keep secret their past conscious. Then you have to wonder: Why do they do that? Do these people might feel guilty? What causes people to betray their core values and fall to hypocrisy? If you look here officially anscheindend to just stand? This action is consistent now and immediately announced. Time will now show how it will go with the Saint Lazarus Order in the future ...
Personal conclusion
My wife and I have the gift of Saint Lazarus almost all our material possessions and through the donation of the estate Radimovice. (The estate is still owned by the Czech Grand Bailiwick of the Order of Saint Lazarus!) We both believed in the high goals of this order and also that there devotion to God and Ritterlichtkeit be practiced - especially of the high dignitaries and the priest . But what is the reality? The Order in reality may be quite different goals? My wife and I had therefore our relationship to Christianity reconsidered thoroughly. As a result, we have left Christianity and now both belong to a different religion. We are now no longer members of the Order of St. Lazarus, as our membership in the Order is stopped automatically (under Article 4:20 of the Regulations of the Order).
Beginning January 2015 I read on the side of the Czech Grand Bailiwick the current national structure that jurisdiction. New Grand bailiff is now H.E. Chev. Ing. David Mirejovsky, KCLJ, one of the three knights, they toto accompany the former Grand bailiff H.E. Chev. Prof. Dr. Ales Bluma, DSM, GCLJ on 21/09/2011 in Pilsen (!). H.E. Chev. Prof. Dr. Ales Bluma, DSM, GCLJ is now head of the Prague Commandery.
Last updated 12/14/2017
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